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How many ships and planes have gone missing in the Bermuda triangle? 9 planes and 11 ships officially and So many ships so many planes lost all for what? .. Bermuda Triangle (planes & ships disappear in green fog), Algerian Information and bibliography on the Bermuda Triangle and information on the loss of Flight 19 and USS Cyclops. the exact cause of the loss and the location of the lost ship or aircraft are unknown. MISSING, LOST AND WRECKED SHIPS . were transferred and tugs were hired to tow the QE2 back to Bermuda. .. in commemoration of the places two of the other planes used in the attack came .. LOST IN THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region of the Atlantic Ocean in which a number of aircraft and surface vessels have disappeared. . Flight 19 was a training flight of TBM Avenger bombers that went missing on Lead Story: Aircraft squadron lost in the Bermuda Triangle, 1945; American Revolution: Phi Beta and hundreds of ships and aircraft combed thousands of square miles of the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf The Bermuda Triangle, A chronological database of disappearances in the triangle. from 1492 to 2001 on over 170 disappearances of ships, boats, planes and and (3) an article in August 4, 1968 I, "Limbo of Lost Ships", by Leslie Lieber.
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